Friday, February 3, 2012

Back to the grind for February

This week I ended up with a lot more free time than usual, and I spent that time wisely relaxing with friends and my girlfriend. There isn't much more you can do for your body that's more beneficial than laughing, relaxing, and  spending time outdoors - and a day at the beach with my girlfriend and one of my best friends satisfied that to a T. I'm always reminded of how lucky I am to be living in one of the most desirable locations in the world; close to the beach in California. I'm often reminded on days like those how much the mind craves nature, and how we've gone from a species that utilized it's entire body and mind together on a daily basis to a species that utilizes it's mind to accomplish tasks rather than incorporating bodily physical movement as well. Climbing the cliffs to watch the sunset on the beach with 10-15 foot waves crashing below is something that really reminds me how small I am in perspective. 

This type of time off also offered me an opportunity to spend some time with one of my life's great loves - poker. I was lucky enough to meet the right people in the online poker community to make a decent amount of money from an online card game in my early college years to support me, and ever since I've always wanted to eventually be able to play around the world in live tournaments, having it all pay for itself. This, of course, is an ultimate goal -- version infinity, the best it can get. I am working on version 1.0 of this goal by playing small stakes SNGs online at Cake poker in my spare time and hoping to build up a small bankroll to play micro MTTs on. This brings me to the point of this post, I want to outline my goals for February. 

Volume: 40 games/week
Bankroll Management: Only registering for games at the $1-2 level, a mix of 10-person STT SNGs and HUSNGs until a bankroll of $150.00 is reached, then mixing in $3-4 HUSNGs as well as SNGs

This blog to me is a place to discuss goals that I feel need to be published in an effort to push myself to complete them, and poker is definitely something I've said I'm going to buckle down on a lot, but never really done. I've also tried blogs before, but those were strictly poker-only and didn't feel very natural writing on. This is a volume of my life, and I will approach it holistically.

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